Assassin’s Creed® Unity Companion App Reviews

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Crappy app

Used to be really good ,now it just crashes a lot when it tries to sync up , Fix it dammit


Not fun theres no parkour only a map you can use for your Xbox one if you dont have an Xbox one or the game this is not a substitute you send people on missions without doing anything

Unable to synchronize

Will you fix it or not?


Crash Crash Crash Crash Play and have fun for a few minutes Crash Crash Crash

P for perfect

It was the best thing that ever happend to me.

Too many issues

When the app isnt crashing, it wont sync with Ubisoft servers. And none of the reward chests or missions ever sync to my game

Uplay connectivity

Ive been playing this game for a while, but for the last 24 hours I havent been able to log into Uplay. It seriously reduces the usefulness of the game.


I cant sync my Ubisoft account with this app anymore I mustve lost all my progress.. Needs work hope there isnt one for Assassins Creed: Syndicate

Other Consoles?

This is a pretty good app. But why does it only sync to PC, and not Xbox One or PS4?

Very good but...

Im somewhat enjoying the app, everything is working except that I cant connect to my xbox at all, its frustrating and in fact ruining my experience, I dont know if its an ios9 compatibility issue or something, I just hope youll fix it soon, thanx ubisoft.

Everything is missing, not really fun, lacking excitement

Its not horrible, but it does a little bit entertain.

doesnt connect

this app never connect to the xbox one while i am playing please fix this

App crashes

The app continues to crash when trying to sync.

It crashes every time I try to log into my ubisoft account

Great idea, terribly executed

Ac unity

Good app.

Surprisingly Fun

I am having lots of fun with this game so far, so I dont understand all the negative reviews here. I really enjoy the concept of the game and it makes me want unity, even though I heard it sucked. I just wish they would bring back their other app, Assassins Creed Rearmed!

App Doesnt Work Anymore

This app was required to unlock some of the chests in the xbox1/ps4 version of the game. The app wont launch anymore (crashes when syncing on startup.) The game that cost $60 cant be completely finished now.

Ive experienced no problems

Ive read all the reviews and Im pretty sure that, whatever the problems were before, I think theyve been fixed. Its crashed a few times but thats expected with any app. The biggest problem is probably the fact that if you dont reopen the app after a while, it signs you off uplay even if you hit remember me. If people are still experiencing these problems, Im gonna guess its because they have updated the game, their OS or they have an older phone because right now Im operating on an iPhone 6s and have the latest update for everything.

Assassin creed



I paid for the "premium version" got charged for it but the app is telling me that I still have to pay to unlock it

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